Intricately crafted using the generational Rajasthani silver technique known as 'rawa' the Azalea Ring is a ware-able art form crafted by the skilled artisans of India. Finished with a high quality natural Labradorite stone, this beauty is sure to be that show stopper you have been waiting for.
Thought to assist in inner spirit and self awareness, it shines bright as its streaks of blue, brown and silver allow you to look deeply into the stones layers to only keep finding more marvels this called the “schiller effect”. It is also a protective stone and thought to be the greatest protector in the mineral family.
Sterling Silver stamped 92.5 and natural Labradorite - Please note as Labradorite is a natural stone that have natural formations known as occlusions. They may seem like the stone is cracked but it is a natural cleavage that occurred during formation.
Length: 30mm / Width: 21mm / Ring Size: 6.5US